Time for Storyblok - Moving the blog

The next big mission will be to move the blog. This will be a lot more work than moving the portfolio.

To make it more simple for now, I will just have all the entries in a long list and I will skip the categories for now. Pulling the blog entries is fairly straightforward. I am using the API similarly to how I did it with the portfolio, but I am limiting it to only blog entries and I am sorting them right away based on the manual date field that I have included.

The only thing I had to do to make the blog show up correctly is to replace the v-html that I was using previously with the RichTextRenderer that renders the storyblok specific rich text field.

Now comes the tedious part. I am going to write a script to pull all the blog posts from the SQL database and then import it straight into storyblok.

Originally I was going to make the migrator in PHP, but realized that I am faster in Javascript so might aswell do it in pure nodejs.

I made a standalone script that runs nodejs that uses storyblok-markdown-richtext and turndown to convert my HTML richtext into storyblok richtext and then uses the Universal JavaScript SDK for Storyblok's API. You can find the full script here: https://gist.github.com/SebbeJohansson/2f64e0a76e3b786e5ea3ed1cdbf8ca29

The blog post was originally written in my admin panel, but I am now writing inside of storyblok!