Reworking my website - Nuxt front

The new website will use a nuxt front that pulls all the data from the new API. I am going to be using Typescript and use a static deployed website using Netlify.

The first step is to create new website and I am using my Nuxt Typescript base, but notably I am removing the translation system (i18n) since I'm not planning on having multiple languages in this version.

Connecting the new website to the API is easy. Im using Axios to make calls to the API and I am doing everything locally which helps with speed.

The first part of the website I'm gonna implement is the actual portfolio entries. I am developing a content system where every content block has the same styling and uses the same component with a <slot>.

As part of this, I am also making a different version that has a title which everything else can use as a base (which is using "ContentBlock" as a component).

The portfolio entries are pretty straightforward. Just add components for the two different types (Big and Small) and add lists that also pull the data. The pulling of data will only happen during the build process in netlify. Since the content wont update automatically, maybe I should implement a rebuild feature into the admin panel when saving data (or a manual button).

To pull the data I do:

which pulls all live portfolios and then splits them into two different arrays.

After the portfolio, it's onto the "contact" portion. Same procedure as with the portfolio.

Now I'm only left with some of the styling stuff and then the blog. The blog will have to happen on a different day.