Redesigning github and personal website

I had the brilliant idea to look into sprucing up my GitHub profile a bit. There are SOOOOO many ways to do that. You can show everything from cool gifs and animations to cool badges and stats. As part of this "project", I also decided to update the design of my personal website.

First, I started collecting examples (which you can find in a star-list here), and then it was time to do my profile.

I ended up with a simple design with interesting statistics and various information.

As part of this change, I decided to start adding my nickname ("Dragon") to stuff. Since many people only know me by that name, I figured it would make sense. This meant adding it on both GitHub and my personal website.

Regarding the website, I decided the best option would be to somewhat copy the style of my GitHub.

I also remade the start page with some new content and some restructuring.