In an attempt to make a better and more refined version of Fall Flappy Fall I decided to remake the game. Because of the timing, being that it was chrismtas time and a few days from christmas eve when I started, it was pretty obvious that the game was going to be Christmas themed. I made it so that instead of birds falling it was christmas gifts and that the bucket from Fall Flappy Fall was replaced with Santa carrying a bag.
I created a sound-controller and a pause-system for the game and added (and modified) a sharing system that my friend Rickard Ahlstedt created. I added the same ads that I had in my other games, in hindsight I really should have tried a different way of displaying them since they ruin the experience. In a special deal with Adbuddiz (the company that has the adsystem that Im using) they gave me three free weeks of being promoted in their promoting system called Giftiz. This was the only marketing I did for the game as I thought it would be enough to give it a boost in popularity.
At the end the attempt worked in the way that I developed a much better version of the game, but it didnt quite have the commercial success I was hoping for. The game was released on 2nd of December 2015. On Christmas Eve the game started getting promoted on Giftiz (super awesome timing of them) and the number of daily installs really skyrocketed. Before getting promoted I got around 1-2 installs per day max, and after they promoted the game I got 246 installs in 1 day! Now... It might have been a little bit of normal traffic from people just looking for Christmas games, sadly Adbuddiz didnt give me any statistics from the promotion and I didnt have any statistics system inside of the game.
All in all the game has gotten 1.800 downloads so far (10/8 2016) and at the most 139 devices had the game installed at the same time (not counting the first day the game was promoted in Giftiz). When it comes to revenue the game only brought in $2.2 since release.